My Father's Fault
For generations
we were golden chested
and white faced.
Then my father stole
the egg
from a neighbor's nest.
Darkness crept across
our golden chests.
A mask appeared
on offspring's white faces.
It was my father's fault.
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What a beautiful bird and a beautiful picture!
Awww, I love this one!
So beautiful picture!
So write about it! :) (Heehee)
We tried really hard to be quiet. "Mommy, let's see if he's here," she whispered. Our little feathered visitor liked a branch by our garden bench for his morning song. Usually, we would watch him from a distance, but my daughter was curious to get a closer look. "Mommy, we're like secret agents," she giggled as we slowly tiptoed closer and closer. "Mommy, I can see his little head moving around. Isn't he cute?" she excitedly asked. Happily, we found a little spot on the grass and got ready to watch our bird friend for a while. All of a sudden, we hear, "Heads!" Looking up just in time, we see a basketball about to hit the bench. "Look out!" my little one cried. Our feathered friend heard the alarm and flew away. "Mommy, good thing we were here to save him from those annoying brothers!"
My Father's Fault
For generations
we were golden chested
and white faced.
Then my father stole
the egg
from a neighbor's nest.
Darkness crept across
our golden chests.
A mask appeared
on offspring's white faces.
It was my father's fault.
Great choice, Dani! Don, what a great accompaniment for our friends photo.
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