A photograph or painting will be posted each weekday to inspire your creativity. Each day has a suggested format. Please take a moment to share your creative writing or thoughts about the photograph or painting. Remember to visit our sharing photographers. Inspiration is all around us through words, thoughts and images. Just take a look :) Thank you!

©All Rights Reserved to the Individual Contributors to this blog. Please contact Kelly with any questions.

March 9, 2011

Wednesdays Ten

Visit Wood and Pixels Narratives to see more amazing photography.


Mervat said...

Kelly, I love this.

This beautiful picture inspires me to want to write a tale about friends meeting up after a dispute that happened so long ago they have forgotten why they broke up in the first place. They only have bitterness which, once they walk into the warmth of this place, will have dissolved. They share a coffee, some cake, more coffee and before they know they would have been in there for hours. They walk out having rekindled their friendship.

Thank you for the inspiration my friend.

Miss you,

T Rex Mom said...

Vibrant life seated within mulling over life's mysteries and miracles.

Judy Croome | @judy_croome said...

Standing apart, I look in and long for the ordinary.
Judy (South Africa)

Ms.Daisy said...

I walk alone, beside the bright lights, wanting your company.

Susan Fobes said...

All I ever need is coffee and a juicy read!