She is cold, and her eyelids are so heavy, but she opens them anyway. She doesn’t remember falling asleep. She looks around, disoriented and confused. Where is she? It is so dark and everything is muffled, like she’s under the fat comforter that covers her bed. But this isn’t her bed. Slowly she realizes she is in the driver’s seat of a car. But not her car, it’s still at the body shop. Her head throbs and there is something sticky crusting above her eye. She pulls down the sunshade above the steering wheel. There is no mirror. She looks at the space that should hold the rearview mirror but it is missing. Finally finding it on the floor between the seats, she holds the mirror up and discovers that the stickiness on her forehead is blood, dried, and is relieved that she isn’t bleeding. Well, not from there, she thinks. She’s sore in so many places…

Visit Dan at Wood and Pixel Narratives to see more of his wonderful photography.
"That party lasted five days," Jack joked with his brother. Wild and scruffy, Jack lumbered over to the fridge to get a hit of orange juice. "Man, I'm glad that we have today to clean up before Mom gets home from her trip." "What day is it again?" asked Jack cautiously. "It's Friday, right?" "Wait a minute. Didn't Mom text us the night of the party to say that she was changing her plans? She's coming home today." "Do you want to get her at the airport?" Jack tried to persuade his brother to volunteer. His brother Andy smirked and said, "No way. I don't want to have to dig out the car. Remember how you wanted to make snow donuts with the car the other night? Everyone thought it was a blast, but look where the car wound up." Jack's glazed eyes opened a bit wider to see his mom's car overwhelmed by that snow heavy tree. "Great. Let's get the shovels."
She is cold, and her eyelids are so heavy, but she opens them anyway. She doesn’t remember falling asleep. She looks around, disoriented and confused. Where is she? It is so dark and everything is muffled, like she’s under the fat comforter that covers her bed. But this isn’t her bed. Slowly she realizes she is in the driver’s seat of a car. But not her car, it’s still at the body shop. Her head throbs and there is something sticky crusting above her eye. She pulls down the sunshade above the steering wheel. There is no mirror. She looks at the space that should hold the rearview mirror but it is missing. Finally finding it on the floor between the seats, she holds the mirror up and discovers that the stickiness on her forehead is blood, dried, and is relieved that she isn’t bleeding. Well, not from there, she thinks. She’s sore in so many places…
First- Oh Nooo on this photo, it makes me say brrrrr!
Second- the first two have covered all angles, may the best contributor win!
Wood this is a beautiful photo too...
I wanted to thank everyone for their input on my picture. You all served up the contents very well! Septembermom...that is my car under the snow at our house! I am waiting for you to come and shovel the driveway!! Bel...a very edgy narrative that fits the picture well. Thanks for the stories.
Chef E...thank you for the kind words.
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