A photograph or painting will be posted each weekday to inspire your creativity. Each day has a suggested format. Please take a moment to share your creative writing or thoughts about the photograph or painting. Remember to visit our sharing photographers. Inspiration is all around us through words, thoughts and images. Just take a look :) Thank you!

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June 27, 2011

Mondays Free Write: A Sand Carpet?

What do you think of this sand carpet displayed during a Corpus Christi festival in Spain? I never knew that this art form existed. Amazing! I thought that this would be an interesting photo prompt for Mondays Free Write. I'm happy to say that I will be back on track here at Write With Pictures. Thanks!


the wild magnolia said...

magic carpet
sand man
dream a little
dream for me
sand flowers
sacred sand
catches my

Ella said...

color filters through the shadows of one's day
sieve black n' white and illuminate the colored memories
walk on the path
to beauty
it is found
in joy throughout one's day!

We all have a carpet like this. Mine is scattered throughout my home ;D (gorgeous pic)

Susan Fobes said...

An artist holds the brush,
Dabs on the paint,
Strokes the canvas,
Then creates the magic...